Monroe Plan Partners with GoMo on Artificial Intelligence Texting Platform

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By using Concierge Care’s highly-personalized and strategically timed text (SMS Messages), Monroe Plan for Medical Care was able to increase adherence rates in all of its patient categories. Learn more about how Monroe Plan for Medical Care sought to increase HPV vaccination compliance among its young, at-risk members in our latest case study.

Participating Provider

Increasing HPV vaccination care compliance among at-risk members

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection according to the Center for Disease Control. Vaccines that could protect against some of the strains which have been known to cause cancer and other benign diseases are available to patients, but compliance for all three injections in the series is low. Monroe Plan for Medical Care sought to increase HPV vaccination compliance among its young, at-risk members by targeting them and their guardians with personalized engagement. The results were surprising.

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